Recollection Cues

Collectible Cues, Cases & Quality Players


Here is a gorgeous cue from Josh that has pretty wood, a classy design, and lots of inlay work that took a lot of time.  It's a four pointer with bridged points and lots of extras.

He builds it with a tulipwood butt sleeve and points, an ebony nose, and ebony windows in the butt sleeve.

He uses a combination of dark blue, light blue, white and black veneers to frame the points and boxes, with nice mitered corners.  He bridges the points just above the wrap.

I love this overlapping box pattern he uses in the butt sleeve.  All have the benefit of the complex veneer combination, and the ebony boxes, or windows, really stand out against the tulipwood.

I also really like this ring pattern.  It's unique, and I don't recall seeing it anywhere else.  Each ring consists of an ebony base with two silver rings, and in the middle are white LBM rectangles with rounded ends alternating silver dots.  It's a neat pattern and looks great.

The points are long, sharp and even, and they really show well against the deep black ebony background in the nose.

The blue veneers look outstanding against the ebony.

He uses a nicely textured black leather wrap.  It's the perfect addition to a gorgeous stick.

He includes the fancy rings at all locations - above the butt cap, below and above the wrap, at the joint and on the ring collars of the shafts.  The joint is built from white LBM.

And below, a look at the reverse side of the butt sleeve.  I don't quite know how to describe the white inlay shape he uses in this stick.  In the base of the points, it looks like a flying dove.  However when he puts two fo them together in the windows, it takes on a kind of battle axe look.  Call it what you want, but it's a great shape and looks good on the cue.

He uses white LBM in the butt cap, which matches the joint, and as usual, engraves his stylized "T" logo.

He builds it with a flat-faced joint with a stainless steel radial pin.  It comes with two of his premium 13mm maple shafts, with LBM ferrules and double-pressed LePro points.  It weighs 18.3 ounces with either shaft (14.9, 3.4, 3.4) and is 58 inches long.  It also come with a complete set of joint protectors with matching ring work, adding about $300 value.  

This is a beautiful cue from a great cue maker with a long waiting list.  Finding one like this, new from his shop and available immediately, is a rare find.