Recollection Cues

Collectible Cues, Cases & Quality Players


This is a very attractive new Chris Nitti cue that looks sharp, plays great, and is very affordable.  One of the things about his cues that catch my attention is the sharpness of his veneers, and the quality of his inlay work.  This one starts with a BE maple nose and ebony butt sleeve, using a classic inlay design that Chris has executed flawlessly in the butt and at the base of the points.

One of the things I have been impressed with by Chris Nitti as a cue maker is the seriousness with which he takes his work.  He is intent on producing a quality cue, and puts his priority on playability.  As a result, he produces excellent playing cues.  This one is no exception.

Chris also has a knack for making the most of a simple design.  He executes his inlays and veneers with great precision, and manages to present a finished product that has a very subtle but classy look.  His inlays are virtually flawless, even though he does all his work by pantagraph -- without the aid of a CNC machine.

This cue has some very nice curly maple in the nose, and the greenish-white linen wrap complements the cue nicely. The ring pattern is simple but classy, with ivory squares and rings circling the cue at the A,B,C and D locations.
This cue comes with two 13mm shafts tipped with ivory ferrules, a radial pin and wood to wood joint for enhanced playability, and weighs about 19 ounces.  It's a gem of cue for the price, at $1,950.