Recollection Cues

Collectible Cues, Cases & Quality Players


I have a penchant, maybe even an addiction, for the prettiest and best cue cases.  I don't care where they're made, who makes them, and sometimes, how much they cost.  I love the artistry and craftsmanship that go into the best ones and display them in my cue room like they're Rembrandts or Picassos.  They are true art, and functional as well. 
This is the latest addition to my collection.  It is made by WPG Leather in China.   It is a superb case and piece of art.  (NOT FOR SALE)

(If you want to see more of their work, they have a Facebook page.)

This case is exceptional.  The carving is fine, precise and delicate. The coloration is beautiful.  Much of it is three-dimensional, and the overall effect is stunning.  The "Demon" theme comes through very effectively, focusing primarily on the ancient mythological creature, the Baphomet, a creature with a goat's head and man's body.

The amount of detail in this case is exceptional, and probably the most elaborate I've seen.  I can't begin to describe it, so I'm going to let the pictures do the telling.