Here is another great playing cue from Cody Cash of Wichita. He's been around for several years now, building his line of "PK" cues, and his work just keeps getting better. I just hand-picked three of his new cues from his display at the recent Shooter's tournament in Olathe, Kansas, and was happy to get them.
Unusual woods always appeal to me. This one is really special - a beautiful piece of cocobolo used in the points and butt sleeve. And he cut the piece for the butt to include a large segment of cocobolo heartwood. It's really unique.
It's a very traditional four pointer, with pretty veneers of blue-green-blue framing the beautiful cocobolo points.
The points go forward into a nose of clean, crisp maple. This is a very traditional look - clean and modest.
Cody's cues play great, and that, of course, is the most important thing. But the co-star of this cue is the gorgeous cocobolo.
He adds simple dash rings at all locations, made from ebony and white LBM.
The cocobolo has a bright tone, with very pretty figure.
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The points are long, even and sharp. Very nice work.
He builds it with a white LBM joint to match the white butt cap.
He uses a 3/8X10 steel pin in a flat-faced joint. He engraves his "PK" logo on the butt cap.
His cues hit a ton. Cody's a good player and knows how he wants his cues to feel, and it shows.
It comes with two premium maple shafts with Juma ferrules and medium LePro tips. It weighs either 19.7 or 19.6, depending on which shaft is attached (16.1, 3.6, 3.5). It's the kind of stick I like - a touch on the heavy side but so well balanced it feels lighter. (I test-hit this stick and was very impressed.)