Here is a superb stick from the shop of Chris Byrne, one of today's best cue makers. His work is highly sought-after, and this kind of cue shows why.
He didn't quite pull out all the stops with this one, but he pulled out quite a few. Take a look at the beautiful cocobolo, the wonderfully veneered windows in the butt sleeve, the bridged points, and the beautiful elephant ear wrap. All these extra touches contribute to the overall stunning effect of this cue.
The cocobolo in this cue is impressive. He uses it in the butt sleeve, inside the windows, and in the points. These then feed into a slick piece of birdseye maple with lots of figure.
As usual, Chris signs the cue under the finish, this time between the points.
Just look at the great color in this cocobolo. I'm glad he used inside the windows as well as around them - with wood this pretty, why not?
The points are very long, very sharp and even.
Chris' cues have a distinct look - the best way to describe them is "crisp." Because of his meticulous, very tight work, they have a special look.
Just look at all the delicate work in this stick, and how well it is all done.
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In the base of each point he inlays a white mother of pearl dot with a matching mother of pearl notched diamond.
The veneer work is as good as it gets. Look how tight it all is around the bridged veneers at the base of the points. And look at the delicate work in the rings. These are his signature rings, and they are definitely impressive.
Pretty woods, pretty design, and tight, delicate work ... all in all, a very crisp, delicate and ornate cue.
In the rings, every white diamond is inlaid with a silver dot. Inside each of the windows, he inlays two mother of pearl dots and a large mother of pearl notched diamond.
Not only his veneer work flawless, his color choices are always just right for the overall cue appearance. In this one, he uses black, blue, natural and pink ... all separated with black paper. The overall effect is striking.
This birdseye maple is about as good as it gets.
In all my excitement of describing the great appearance of this stick, I can't forget to mention its outstanding playability. Chris' cues always play great, with a solid, crisp hit and perfect balance.
The black elephant ear wrap is the perfect finish for this elegant cue. It has a glossy finish and a lavish look. Best of all, it feels good in the hand and will just get better and better with use.
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He finishes this cue with a white LBM joint, matching white butt cap, a brass radial pin, and a flat faced joint. It weighs 19.75 ounces (15.7, 4.0, 4.0) and is 59 inches long. (Keep in mind that 59 inch cues tend to weigh a bit more.)
It comes with two premium maple 13mm cues with LBM ferrules and Kamui Black medium layered tips.